How to Weatherproof Your Garden

August 5, 2022

Creating and maintaining a garden can be a lot of hard work but is a rewarding pastime for many. If you’ve maintained a garden, you know how much effort and time goes into it! The last thing you want is your hard work to get destroyed by an unexpected storm, heat wave, or cold front. We’ve made a list of precautions you can take before harsh weather reaches your garden to protect your plants and hard work.

Declutter Yard:

If a wind storm is heading near you, it’s vital to declutter your yard. Pick up any tools left outside, toys, or other items that the wind can easily pick up. High winds can blow your outdoor items into your garden and disrupt your fragile plants, or take part in lifting dirt and loosening seeds or roots.


If you have young trees or other plants that are not yet sturdy enough to hold up against heavy rain, hail, or wind, installing some stakes is an excellent option to provide plants with extra support. You can install structures for vines and other shallow rooted plants to grow up against and around.

Bring Potted Plants Inside:

Whether it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, or crazy amounts of rain, it’s always a good idea to bring your potted plants inside if they’re not already in a secure location. Potted plants are at risk of falling over during rain or wind storms, and you may want to check your potted plants to see what temperatures they can survive in and take them inside when it’s too hot or cold.

Cover Seedlings With Fabric:

For windy storms or extra hot days, you can put some light fabric weighed down on the sides over your seedlings to protect them from the sweltering heat and prevent them from blowing away.

You can take many precautions for extreme weather conditions to protect your garden. To best prepare your specific garden for harsh weather, research your garden’s plants and be mindful of the weather they can sustain. Take action before extreme weather reaches your yard, and your garden will thank you later!

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August 2022


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