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Winter Preparation for Spring Landscaping by SAB Lawn Landscaping & Tree Service

December 16, 2016

Many people might assume that there isn’t much you can do for your lawn during the cold months of winter, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You can prepare your yard for the coming of spring by taking a few simple but important steps that will make spring gardening that much better with the return of warmer temperatures.

All of your perennials could use a good pruning, and it is at this point that you want to remove any remaining weeds in your lawn and garden. Most trees and shrubs will benefit from a trimming also. After you have completed these tasks, your garden beds will need a good raking to remove any debris that has accumulated. These rakings are perfect for your composting area if you are using one and, if not, it is important to dispose of this material properly to prevent the spreading of any disease that may be present.

Next up, edge your garden beds to clearly define the border between your landscaping and your lawn. Doing this edging also prevents your grass from growing into the mulching too. Edging your lawn adds sharp contrast and definition, leading to a refined and groomed look that will add definition to your yard’s appearance when spring returns.

What can I do to help out my plants during the cold weather season?

Same as us, your plants will benefit from good nutrition, so now can be a good time to fertilize. Simply applying 1 to 2 inches of fresh healthy compost around all of your plants can make the difference between a healthy vital plant and one that struggles to get through the dry hot days that are coming. You can also apply pre-emergent weed control at this time. While it won’t control all of your weeds, it can make a big difference come spring and you will be glad you did it. Pre-emergent acts as a barrier to weed seeds left in your beds by preventing them from germinating into full grown weeds.

Now comes the mulching. Mulch is important because it helps minimize weed growth, help with moisture retention within your soil, and will help to regulate ground temperatures around your plants. Mulch also helps to create definition within your yard. Just be sure to remove old mulch first, and don’t put down more than three inches of mulch so combat an environment that fosters insects and disease as well as affecting the flow of nitrogen, an essential nutrient.

Once those winter temps thaw out and spring has arrived, it becomes the perfect time to plant new plants, shrubs or trees. With comfortable temperatures returning, plants have the time to settle in and establish themselves without the additional stress from heat and drought. It is also a good time to separate and divide any perennials that may have become overgrown.

These are great tips for the landscaping DIY person, but if you’d like to get the look without all the sweat equity, then contact SAB Lawn Landscaping & Tree Service today!

Blog Archive

December 2016


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